
Chapter 65 I want to operate on you.

The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter! Surgery? Does he really have to face this problem so soon? It’s no better here than in modern times. If you change a heart valve in modern times, it’s not a particularly major operation, and modern medical technology is proficient in heart valves and can […]


Fu Xicen saw it on the side of the round table. She just sat there with a teacup, and there was less than half a cup of tea in it. At this time, it seemed that there was still some heat in it.

His Adam’s apple rolled, and he reached for the tea and poured it down his throat. At last, he turned to look at her and looked slightly surprised. "Today, I have made some progress, but the tea is still too astringent and bitter." How does he drink her water? There is a cup next to […]



Lao Li in the underground garage saw Huo Mengshu coming over and the car gave her the door. It wasn’t long before Huo Yanming and Qiao Cen came, and Lao Li took the car keys and gave them to Huo Yanming. Huo Mengshu sat in the back seat, and Qiao Cen also went in through […]


Cross eyes suddenly lit up!

It is late at night … The wind blows the grass and the two figures quietly come to the wall on the ninth floor with the help of loud cover. Si stepped on the horizontal shoulder, climbed the wall and peeked into the yard to see a middle-aged military commander sitting motionless like a statue […]